Liber CXCIV: An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order states, "In order that the feelings of the general body may be represented, the Men of Earth choose four persons, two men and two women, from among themselves, to stand continually before the face of the Supreme and Holy King, serving him day and night." The Man of Earth (MOE) Delegates are therefore pledged to give representation to the general feelings of the Man of Earth Triad.
If you are in the Man of Earth Triad (Minerval through Perfect Initiate), any issues, comments, concerns, or suggestions you have that are not subject to resolution via the Path of Mediation may be addressed to the MOE Delegates who will bring these issues to the attention of the Supreme and Holy King Sabazius. Contact the Delegates at
If you are uncertain about the best course of action for issues in relation to the Path of Mediation, please contact the Ombudsman-Female or Ombudsman-Male at or You may also contact them collectively at
Do you wish to apply to be a Man of Earth Delegate and are of the Second Degree?
The Delegate Nominating Panel (DNP) will be voting on nominations for two Delegate positions, one man and one woman, every six months with an application deadline of June 1st and December 1st of each year. To apply, download the application on this page and email it with two letters of reference (as indicated on the form) to For more information about the Program and how to apply, please contact the Mithras Oasis Delegate Nominating Panelist, Brother Will, at You may also contact the DNP Chair and Secretary at
Completed applications should be presented to the Nominating Panel prior to the deadline for review and processing. For more information on the selection process, please see this blog post.
MOE Delegate Pamphlet
Delegate Application